Search through the history of commands in terminal
May 14, 2020 — Admit it. Remembering a lot of terminal commands can be overwhelming and often tiring. What if I tell you there’s a pretty handy way of searching through all of your previous commands using a few keystrokes? Follow along.
How to install Deno on Ubuntu (Linux)
May 14, 2020 — Deno, the successor of Node.js, is now stable with it’s v1.0 release.
Components with inline templates in Vue.js
May 13, 2020 — Vue.js has this handy feature where you can set the inline-template
special attribute on the component and now the component can use its inner content as its template, rather than treating it as distributed content.
Unpacking inside arrays using spread operator in PHP
May 12, 2020 — If you’ve ever worked with JavaScript, you might be well aware of this feature. So basically, from PHP 7.4, you would be able to unpack arrays into another array using spread operator [...
Detecting device color scheme automatically in JavaScript
May 11, 2020 — Implementing a Dark mode in applications is all the rage these days. And you can provide a toggle to switch between Dark/Light mode to users like the one I’ve implemented on my Notepad app.
Using ::class static class keyword in PHP
May 8, 2020 — If you’ve worked with modern frameworks such as Laravel, you might have seen this keyword ::class
be used extensively throughout the application.
How to pull a composer package in a Laravel project locally
May 7, 2020 — Lately, if you’ve been working on some functionality and you want to extract it as a Laravel package, you’d like to first test it locally. And if everything is well and good, you’d then publish it to the
Select React element type using general expressions
May 6, 2020 — The usual way of using a React element is to first import it and then utilize it inside of an another React component like so.
Null coalescing assignment operator in PHP
May 4, 2020 — When PHP 7.0 released, it has added many nice things in PHP’s toolbelt of utilities. One of the things among this was Null coalescing assignment operator (??).
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