RunJS — A JavaScript Playground on your desktop

— In the fast-paced world of JavaScript, sometimes you just need a quick solution without the hassle of setting up an entire project. Whether you’re tinkering, prototyping, or learning, the need for a lightweight tool to write JavaScript code becomes evident.

The fluent data helper in Laravel

— When working with Laravel, you might need to manipulate data in various ways. For instance, when your data is a multi-dimensional array, you might need to filter, sort, or map the data to get the desired result.

Spicing up text with text-emphasis in CSS

— There are a lot of ways to style text in CSS. You can change the color, size, font, and even add effects like shadows and outlines. But recently, I learned about a sleek CSS property that I hadn’t heard of before and it’s pretty rad!

Environment-aware Favicons

— When working on a website, sometimes you can’t distinguish between the environments just by looking at the tabs if you have both the production and local environments opened side by side. And this can lead to confusion.