Adding a custom Install button in Progressive Web Apps
June 9, 2021 — The other day, I was looking for a way to add a custom “Install” button in my Notepad app which is essentially a Progressive Web App (PWA).
Conditionally executing callbacks using Conditionable trait in Laravel 8.x
June 7, 2021 — If you have been working with Laravel lately, you might have used this feature called “conditional clauses” using which you will be able to run a certain callback when a condition becomes true
Blade stringable to handle objects centrally in Laravel 8.x
May 31, 2021 — Wouldn’t it be useful if you could define a certain action that should be performed every time your Blade templates encounter objects of a specific class?
Refresh maintenance mode page automatically in Laravel 8.x
May 25, 2021 — Laravel has this cool feature using which you can put your website in maintenance mode. To do so, all you will need to do is run the following command.
Supercharged and clutter-free data fetching using React Query
May 17, 2021 — When working on enterprise applications, it’s often the use-case to fetch data from the server from the frontend. This involves fetching data asynchronously and rendering it to the frontend when the data is fetched successfully or render the error message if something goes wrong during this entire process.
Quickly switch between recent branches in Git
May 15, 2021 — When working on projects, it’s often a case when you would find yourself dabbling between different branches. Maybe you’re working on different features simultaneously or you’re keeping your feature branch up-to-date with your master/main branch. You would need to switch between branches in any of the cases.
Variable-length function arguments using spread token in PHP
May 12, 2021 — When working with functions, there might come the scenario where you’re unsure as to how many arguments a function would have. Basically, a function can have an unlimited number of arguments that you don’t define in the function signature.
Quickly sudo-ing the previous command in Bash Shell
May 7, 2021 — It’s just another day where I got to learn gemstone of command for Linux’s Bash shell once again.
Estimated reading time macro in Laravel
May 5, 2021 — When you want to extend some of the classes’ functionality in Laravel, Macros are your best bet. Your imagination is the only limit to what you can do with macros.