Handling time intervals in JavaScript
March 15, 2017 — While working on an Electron app Pomolectron, I needed to handle different time intervals through setInterval() function of JavaScript. I basically needed to implement three timers in my app:
A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
March 15, 2017 — While working on an Electron app Pomolectron, I needed to handle different time intervals through setInterval() function of JavaScript. I basically needed to implement three timers in my app:
November 15, 2016 — Today, We are going to build a progressive Notepad app which can very well be used in offline mode, be responsive on all available devices, and saves the content locally on the device itself.
June 22, 2016 — Have you ever wanted to develop desktop apps while being a true web developer without even caring about the native architecture or the language most of the applications build for different platforms likes of Windows, macOS or Linux? Or you just wanted to get started with building desktop apps? Isn’t it great if you are able to build desktop apps using the technologies you already knows i.e. HTML, JavaScript and CSS? I was in the same urge to dive into world of desktop apps. So, I have been stuck on to GitHub’s Electron lately.
June 12, 2016 — Hey guys, this is my first post after setting up my blog with Jekyll. I will update my blog more than often from now onwards.