Laravel Route Model Bindings - Implicit Vs. Explicit Binding
April 29, 2019 — There’s this neat feature in Laravel where you can validate model IDs that have been injected into the route by injecting model instances directly at route level.
A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
April 29, 2019 — There’s this neat feature in Laravel where you can validate model IDs that have been injected into the route by injecting model instances directly at route level.
April 15, 2019 — Laravel’s Eloquent is without a doubt a great ORM exists right now. It has some of the features which makes it ahead of its competitions. One such feature the ORM provides is called “Attribute casting”.
March 29, 2019 — A sometime ago I tried my hands on implementing some of the PHP’s native functions in native JavaScript. The result is quite interesting list of JavaScript functions you’ve never asked about.
March 28, 2019 — There comes a time when you want URLs which are public but still you want some kind of authentication onto the same. For instance, you’d want such kind of URLs to enable invite-only registrations for your applications, where you’d send a URL to the user which that specific person only can access and register. In such scenarios, signed URLs can come in handy which are the special kind of URLs that have a “signature” hash appended to the query string to verify that the URL has not been modified since it was created.
March 26, 2019 — There exist this neat feature in Laravel using which you can add attributes in the models that do not have a respective column in your database.
March 18, 2019 — Hilariously enough, eventual consistency illustrated.
March 14, 2019 — It’s not long ago that Google Chrome team had released the support for intalling Progressive Web Apps on Windows 10 natively with Chrome 70. And people have been since then waiting for the similar support in the macOS as well. Seems like the waiting is over now as the team has shipped the support for installing PWA apps natively, just like Windows.
March 12, 2019 — I fell in love with you the moment I discovered you. I still remember, you and I were still in our teens at that time. Whenever I searched you, you served me unconditionally. And even though we weren’t matured enough, our love still grown.. gradually. Call it “Love at first site” or “Love over time”, it will remain between us for an eternity..
February 28, 2019 — Reverie is a Jekyll-powered theme which is simple and opinionated. It’s actually a fork of jekyll-now with some additional features and personal touches which I’ve implemented to suit my needs for this blog.
February 22, 2019 — Today, while working with a project which happens to be bulit on top of Magento 2, I needed to find a way to get the list all the admin users as an array.