Multiselect-able configuration setting in Magento2

— The other day, there was a situation where I needed to implement a multiselect configuration setting in my Magento2 application. So, I thought of documenting the process. So, the scenario was to implement a setting which enlist all the product attribute set and all those can be multiselect-able. Here’s how I did it.

Premature optimization is dangerous

— Working with PHP, it would be pretty obvious you’d be worried about the performance of your application. And because of this anxiety, you start to optimize trivial things such as replacing double quotes(“) to single quotes(‘), use echo instead of print_r, or using static methods in order to gain those little performance gains during the initial few days of your application development itself. Optimizing these thigs is good and all.

Top features of PHP 7.4 Explained!

— PHP 7.4 is finally released a few days ago. It’s a fourth feature update to the PHP 7 series and it comes with a very interesting set of features which I’m going to talk about in this article. Some of are very long overdue such as unpacking arrays, typed properties and so forth. However, these all comes with some sort of caveats. Let’s talk about all of the new features in details.