Rate limit route requests in Laravel

— As backend developers, to make our web application full proof we need to make sure our application is running as efficiently as possible all the time. Otherwise, everyone using your database will suffer from slow performance. API limiting, which is also known as rate limiting, is an essential component of Internet security, as DoS attacks can tank a server with unlimited API requests.

A deep dive into Generators in PHP

— Have you ever stuck in a situation where the code that you’ve wrote uses foreach to iterate over a set of data into an array and which ultimately caused you to exceed a memory? Well, I’ve been to. Many times.

Fetch and calculate tax details anywhere within Magento 2

— Often times comes when you want details related to tax based on the products you currently have anywhere apart from Checkout/Cart page. I’m specifically talking about Magento 2 here. For instance, for one of my projects we’ve a projects page where we use catalog products differently than the Magento’s native way and we needed a way to fetch tax details based on the products we have on that page.